A Melodic Mess
Synopsis: Based on the three Sailor Moon S episodes, ‘Everything’s Coming Up Rosey’, ‘Bad Harmony’ and and ‘Mimel’s Mess’. King Sonic and his family go to a concert once built by Robotic to attend a violin concert but there are attacked by a violin/songbird hybrid. Later the king and his court are invited to a party but are attacked by an anthropomorphic gramophone monster. After they finish her, Manic is attacked by an anthropomorphic microphone monster who attacks by singing. ‘Being a hero isn’t about taking care of yourself, it’s about taking care of others.’—Tom Wicowzki, Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (2022 film) Chapter 1—A Lovely Day for a Concert One of Longclaw’s descendants, Fiercetalon, had come with an old fashioned parchment, addressed to Sonic and his family. ‘I know it’s early, but the scroll had a time limit, and I was told by the post master back at Parliament it had to be delivered ‘post haste’.’...