Vivacia Lepidoptra
Synopsis: Hailing from the planet Adon, Viv travels to Earth to observe it and falls for a scientist named Mel. ~*~CAST~*~ Vivacia Lepidoptera: Amica Lepidoptera: (her mother) Gregorio Lepidoptera: (her father) Doctor Melvin ‘Mel’ Oz: Farah Oz: (his mother) Ahmet Oz: (his father) Kahlil Oz: (his elder brother, UFOlogist) Dr. Mohinder Patel: (another one of Mel’s best friends) Dr. Neil Ozark: (Mel’s best friend) Ostara Morpho: (their mother) Zephyr Morpho: (their dad) Hyacinth ‘Synth’ Morpho: (Viv’s best friend) Acrisius ‘Sius’ Morpho: (Viv’s second best friend) Scene 1--The Planet Adon (From the very beginning we can tell the Adonites are a pacifist alien species. They live in harmony with nature and are a learned, advanced and adventurous people. Vivacia is the first Adonite that wishes to do something no Adonite has ever attempted before.) Viv: (reading up...